Vidal, Julián. Goya y el Canal Imperial de Aragón : la época de Ramón Pignatelli / Julián Vidal.
Warburg, Aby, 1866-1929.. Sandro Botticelli.
Delbeke, Maarten.. Sforza Pallavicino : a Jesuit life in Baroque Rome / edited by Maarten Delbeke
Kunińska, Magdalena , Mihail, Mihnea Alexandru, Kallestrup, Shona, Adashinskaya, Anna, Minea, Cosmin. Periodization in the art historiographies of central and eastern Europe / edited by Shona Kallestrup, Magdalena Kunińska, Mihnea Alexandru Mihail, Anna Adashinskaya and Cosmin Minea.
Moorman, Gloria. Atlases fit for a future king: Vittorio Amadeo II, master-colourist Dirk Jansz. van Santen, and the splendour of the Theatrum Sabaudiae (1682)
Rebollo, Ángel Rodríguez , García, Bernardo J. García . Apariencia y razón : las artes y la arquitectura en el reinado de Felipe III / Edición a cargo de Bernardo J. García García y Ángel Rodríguez Rebollo
Marchand, Eckart. Apostles of good taste? : The use and perception of plaster casts in the Enlightenment
Marchand, Eckart. Studying gestures in art : introduction to ‘The hand on the breast’ by Julius Lange
Ferretti, Silvia. Pathosformel et mythe du progrès dans l’œuvre de Warburg
Levine, Emily J.. The other Weimar : the Warburg circle as Hamburg school / Emily Levine