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Fallacies in the Arabic, Byzantine, Hebrew and Latin traditions / Edited by Laurent Cesalli, Leone Gazziero, Charles H. Manekin, Shahid Rahman, Tony Street and Michele Trizio.
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Cicero in Basel : locating classical reception in a humanist city / Edited by Cédric Scheidegger Laemmle
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The trouble with ribs : women, men and gender in early modern Europe / edited by Anu Korhonen and Kate Lowe.
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Il teatro tra Quattrocento e Seicento : studi in onore di Konrad Eisenbichler / a cura di Pasquale Sabbatino.
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Editing and commenting on Statius’ Silvae / Edited by Ana Lóio.
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Maimonides review of philosophy and religion. Volume 2 / Edited by Ze’ev Strauss, Isaac Slater.
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Jesuits and Islam in Europe / by Emanuele Colombo, Paul Shore.
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Venice and the Veneto during the Renaissance : the legacy of Benjamin Kohl / edited by Michael Knapton, John E. Law, Alison A. Smith
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The tables of 1322 by John of Lignères : an edition with commentary / José Chabás, Marie-Madeleine Saby
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Alfonsine astronomy : the written record / edited by Richard L. Kremer, Matthieu Husson, and José Chabás
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Early thirteenth-century English Franciscan thought / edited by Lydia Schumacher
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Francisco Suárez : metaphysics, politics and ethics / ed. Mário Santiago de Carvalho, Manuel Lázaro Pulido, Simone Guidi
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Duns Scotus bibliography from 1950 to the present / compiled by Tobias Hoffmann
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The legacy of early Franciscan thought
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Sforza Pallavicino : a Jesuit life in Baroque Rome / edited by Maarten Delbeke
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Periodization in the art historiographies of central and eastern Europe / edited by Shona Kallestrup, Magdalena Kunińska, Mihnea Alexandru Mihail, Anna Adashinskaya and Cosmin Minea.
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Essays on the spread of humanistic and Renaissance literary civilization in the slavic world / Giovanna Siedina
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On the frontiers of history : rethinking east Asian borders / Tessa Morris-Suzuki
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Atlases fit for a future king: Vittorio Amadeo II, master-colourist Dirk Jansz. van Santen, and the splendour of the Theatrum Sabaudiae (1682)
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A cultural history of chemistry, volume one : in antiquity / edited by Marco Beretta
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Studying gestures in art : introduction to ‘The hand on the breast’ by Julius Lange
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Apostles of good taste? : The use and perception of plaster casts in the Enlightenment
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Bibliotechnica : humanist practice in digital times / edited by John Tresch
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The other Weimar : the Warburg circle as Hamburg school / Emily Levine
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Warburg and Steinmann as Forschertypen
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Living with disfigurement in early medieval Europe / Patricia Skinner
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The allure of glazed terracotta in Renaissance Italy / Zuzanna Sarnecka
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Presbeia Theotokou : the intercessory role of Mary across times and places in Byzantium (4th-9th century)
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Revealing the African presence in Renaissance Europe / edited by Joaneath Spicer ; contributions by Natalie Zemon Davis, Kate Lowe, Joaneath Spicer, Ben Vinson III ; The Walters Art Museum.
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Meilicha dôra : poems and prose in Greek from Renaissance and early modern Europe
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Women and power at the French court, 1483-1563
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The Orient in Utrecht : Adriaan Reland (1676-1718), arabist, cartographer, antiquarian and scholar of comparative religion
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Descartes’ early letters
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The contents of a Cartesian mind
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A fresh look at the role of the second kind of knowledge in Spinoza’s ethics
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Philosophical atheism and incommensurability of religions in Christian Francken’s thought
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Animals and immortality in the Monadology
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Poggio Bracciolini and the re(dis)covery of antiquity : textual and material traditions / Roberta Ricci
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Hungarian Cartesians in the mirror of the historiographical narratives
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Realizing monads
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Taming the prophets : astrology, orthodoxy and the word of God in early modern Sweden
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A mounted evangelist in a 12th century gospel book at Sées
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“Thy pyramyds buylt up with newer might” : Shakespeare and the cultural memory of Ancient Egypt
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A group of forged Byzantine miniatures
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Interpreting dragomans : boundaries and crossings in the early modern Mediterranean
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'Liberating the responsibility to think for oneself' : The Warburg Institute library classification / Catherine Minter
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Omnia mvtantvr : canvi, transformació i pervivència en la cultura clàssica, en les seves llengües i en el seu llegat / Esperança Borrell Vidal, Pilar Gómez Cardó (eds.).
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Childhood in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance : the results of a paradigm shift in the history of mentality / edited by Albrecht Classen.
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The optics of Ibn al-Haytham : Books I-III : on direct vision / translated with introduction and commentary by A.I. Sabra.
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Sandro Botticelli and the Florentine Renaissance / by Yukio Yashiro.
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