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Sovereignty, territory, and population in Jean Bodin’s République / Sara Miglietti
1 of 50
On scientific method in the study of art
2 of 50
Reading Allan Marquand’s “On Scientific Method in the Study of Art”
3 of 50
Meyer Schapiro, abstract expressionism, and the paradox of freedom in art historical description
4 of 50
Revisiting David Summers’ Real Spaces: a neo-pragmatist interpretation
5 of 50
The coherence of the Arabic-Latin translation program in Toledo in the twelfth century
6 of 50
Passing the book: cultures of reading in the Winthrop family, 1580–1730
7 of 50
Some newly discovered works by Pirro Ligorio / Ginette Vagenheim
8 of 50
Archives of speech : recording diplomatic negotiation in late medieval and early modern Italy / Filippo de Vivo
9 of 50
The Great introduction to astrology by Abū Maʻšar.
10 of 50
Botticelli past and present
11 of 50
The teaching and learning of Arabic in early modern Europe
12 of 50
The Judensau : a medieval anti-Jewish motif and its history
13 of 50
Picatrix : the Latin version of the Ghāyat al-ḥakīm / edited by David Pingree.
14 of 50
Lexicographie artistique : formes, usages et enjeux dans l'Europe moderne/ Artistic lexicography : forms, uses and issues in early modern Europe
15 of 50
The diffusion of law books in early modern Europe : a methodological approach
16 of 50
Witness to marvels : Sufism and literary imagination
17 of 50
Crafting the 613 commandments : Maimonides on the enumeration, classification, and formulation of the scriptural commandments
18 of 50
An index of emblems of the Italian academies based on Michele Maylender's "Storie delle accademie d'Italia" / Jennifer Montagu
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Pontano's Catullus
20 of 50
Georgius Gemistus Pletho's criticism of Plato and Aristotle / by John Wilson Taylor.
21 of 50

After life in Roman paganism : lectures delivered at Yale University on the Silliman Foundation / by Franz Cumont.
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Poine : a study in ancient Greek blood-vengeance / by Hubert J. Treston.
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Greek religious thought from Homer to the age of Alexander / by F.M. Cornford.
24 of 50
Domestic prayers and miracles in Renaissance Italy : the case of Savonarola and his cult / Stefano Dall’Aglio
25 of 50
A history of Renaissance rhetoric, 1380-1620 : conclusion / Peter Mack
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Rudolph Agricola / Peter Mack
27 of 50
Truths and lies of a Renaissance murder / Stefano Dall'Aglio
28 of 50
Microhistories of long-distance information : space, movement and agency in the early modern news / Filippo De Vivo
29 of 50
The image of Persia in western medieval cartography.
30 of 50
Epilogue : a heaven on earth
31 of 50
The African paradise of Cardinal Carvajal : new light on the 'Kunstmann II Map,' 1502-1506 / Alessandro Scafi
32 of 50
St. Cadoc in Cornwall and Brittany
33 of 50
Rudolph Agricola's Christmas sermon
34 of 50
Sandro Botticelli and the Florentine Renaissance / by Yukio Yashiro.
35 of 50
The optics of Ibn al-Haytham : Books I-III : on direct vision / translated with introduction and commentary by A.I. Sabra.
36 of 50

Childhood in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance : the results of a paradigm shift in the history of mentality / edited by Albrecht Classen.
37 of 50
Omnia mvtantvr : canvi, transformació i pervivència en la cultura clàssica, en les seves llengües i en el seu llegat / Esperança Borrell Vidal, Pilar Gómez Cardó (eds.).
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'Liberating the responsibility to think for oneself' : The Warburg Institute library classification / Catherine Minter
39 of 50

Interpreting dragomans : boundaries and crossings in the early modern Mediterranean
40 of 50

A group of forged Byzantine miniatures
41 of 50

“Thy pyramyds buylt up with newer might” : Shakespeare and the cultural memory of Ancient Egypt
42 of 50

A mounted evangelist in a 12th century gospel book at Sées
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Taming the prophets : astrology, orthodoxy and the word of God in early modern Sweden
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Realizing monads
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Hungarian Cartesians in the mirror of the historiographical narratives
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Poggio Bracciolini and the re(dis)covery of antiquity : textual and material traditions / Roberta Ricci
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Animals and immortality in the Monadology
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Philosophical atheism and incommensurability of religions in Christian Francken’s thought
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A fresh look at the role of the second kind of knowledge in Spinoza’s ethics
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